Switch to signal and dump Whatsapp

Pri nymity
2 min readJan 26, 2021
Make the switch

So why switch from your existing messenger app being whatsapp to a totally different app? Seems a little overboard to make a fairly big change such as this one, since you have family, friends and perhaps even business on your whatsapp collected over years.

This video covers a bit of why signal is more private than whatsapp and a preferred messaging service by people such as Snowden and Musk.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — WhatsApp said on Tuesday that a security breach on its messaging app had signs of coming from a government using surveillance technology developed by a private company, and it may have targeted human rights groups. (Snippet from below link).

“WhatsApp has made a mockery out of our fundamental right to privacy while discharging a public function in India, besides jeopardizing the National Security of the country by sharing, transmitting and storing the users data in some [other] country and that data, in turn, will be governed by the laws of that foreign country,” the petition, which is expected to be heard Friday, reads. (Snippet from below link).

As you can see article after article is pretty much saying that whatsapp cannot be trusted. Signal or Telegram is a better option and perhaps even BRIAR. Keep in mind that with BRIAR all your messages go through the TOR network, just as a heads up. Being more or less secure, is hard to say, perhaps some could comment on it, but for simplicity, switching to Signal may just be a simple and better choice than whatsapp.


